- Tennis Courts
- Swimming Pool
- Walking Trails
- Baseball Diamond
- Soccer & Football fields
Every effort is made to keep these amenities groomed for your enjoyment.
Reservations can be made for any special occasion: birthday parties, family functions or just a pick up game at the ball field. Click on the 'Reservations' tab on the left navigation menu for reservations.
The community property is to be used by community members in good standing and their guest only and are not for public use.
Athletic Committee
Landscape Committee
The goal of the Landscape Committee is to create a pleasant, inviting neighborhood for all to enjoy.
We are constantly improving the amenities and overall look of our neighborhood.
Residents are encouraged to contact us if they see anything that needs attention through
Braesael management at 704-847-3507 or Silvercreek@braesael.com
Neighborhood Watch
The Silver Creek Neighborhood Watch Program is an extra step in keeping our community a safe one. As a community, it is important that we look after each other and maintain an awareness of suspicious and unacceptable behavior. By doing this, we make it harder for non-law abiding citizens to do their bad deeds in Silver Creek.
Any time you see any suspicious behavior, please call 911, then also report to a Neighborhood Watch block captain or the chair person in order that they are aware and can follow up as needed.
The Silver Creek community is dedicated to a high quality of life and keeping our neighborhood as safe as it is beautiful. If you would like to be more involved in the neighborhood watch program for Silver Creek, please contact me directly. Thanks for all you do in keeping our community safe!