Anchors Landing Community Watch Program
(Approved by the ALHOA Board September 10th, 2012)
The goal and purpose of the Community Watch Program (CWP) is to enhance the safety and security for all residents within the Anchors Landing community through the promotion of community awareness and the fostering of a pro-active approach towards the reporting of suspected untoward activities to law enforcement or other appropriate agencies. The program in no way absolves residents of the community from their personal responsibility for adoption and practice of proper and appropriate measures to secure their own property, effects and persons.
Signs advising that a community watch program is in effect and that suspected untoward activity, including but not limited to trespass by unauthorized persons within the Anchors Landing gated community area, will be reported to law enforcement are posted at the entrance gates and at key points throughout the community. This signage is a key element in the CWP. It is intended to serve the dual purpose of reminding and encouraging residents of their responsibility to be aware of what is going on within the community, to observe and to report suspect activity, and to serve as a warning to all would-be miscreants that their activity will be observed and reported, thus encouraging them to go elsewhere if they wish to avoid risk of apprehension.
The Community Watch Committee (CWC) is comprised of resident volunteers. Their role is to promote community awareness and to foster communication among residents on matters relating to the CWP and/or safety and security within the Anchor’s Landing Community. CWC members will not act as any kind of community patrol force or law enforcement auxiliary. However, the CWC will maintain liaison with supporting law enforcement activities, primarily the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Department and, secondarily, with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Enforcement Officer serving the area, in order to promote communication and awareness concerning safety and security matters affecting the community. From time to time CWC may also make recommendations to the Anchors Landing Board concerning any suggested improvements to physical barriers or procedures within the community in order to further enhance the safety and/or security posture of the community.
CWC volunteers maintain the CWP signage within the community and the “no trespassing/no hunting” signs posted at selected locations around the perimeter of the community boundaries. A CWC member is designated to pay particular attention to security matters relating to the Community Boat Storage Area, to maintain the lock on the gate thereof and to change the combination at appropriate intervals. A second CWC member administers the program of registration of golf carts within the Community, maintaining appropriate records and files of registrations and issuing registration decals.