Exterior Tags: These tags are used when there is no suitable interior location for the tag. In this case, the tag is usually placed on the passenger side headlight towards the top or bottom of the headlight.
Tag Installation (Interior tags):
The tags are to be installed on the passenger's side, inside of the windshield (see image below).
The tags are required to be horizontal. A note on the tag indicates “this side down.”
The tags are to be placed at least two inches away from the upper and right-hand edges of the windshield.
IMPORTANT: If the windshield has a sunshade coating along the upper area, the tag has to be placed at least two inches below the shaded area.
Adhesion: Carefully remove the backing off the tag before application and make sure the windshield is clean and dry in the area that the tag will be located. (Recommended to remove any dirt or grease prior). It is important to adhere the tag to the windshield in such a way that there are no raised areas, folds, creases, kinks or bends in the tab. The tags have a “self-destruct” feature that destroys the tag if any attempt is made to reposition or remove it once it makes contact with the windshield.
Residents will need to change their tag if they have to replace the windshield for any reason.
Tag Installation (Exterior headlamp tags):
Make sure the headlamp is clean and free of bugs, grease, dirt, etc., and that the surface is dry after cleaning before the tag is installed.
Once you have identified a suitable location, carefully remove the backing tape from the RFID tag and adhere it to the headlamp surface at the chosen location.
It is important to adhere the tag to the headlamp so that there are no raised areas, folds, creases, kinks or bends in the tab. These tags have a “self-destruct” feature that destroys the tag in any attempt to reposition or remove the tag once it makes contact with the headlamp.
You will need to change your tag if you have to replace the headlight for any reason.
Here are a couple of YouTube Links that provide general tips for installing RFID tags.